...and checked it twice and then headed for the final stretch. Marcia attended a fun class today on creating spiral log cabin blocks. Really a cool technique that you can be sure will be a future class. The Timeless Treasures rountable was really cool and we got to see fabric strikeoffs for possible future groups and gave our feedback on the color selection, pattern designs and whether or not we liked it. It's a very interesting process how the fabric is created from artwork done by someone who is an artist, not a quilter.
So - Amy Butler:ordered; M&S Australian prints:ordered; Timeless Blue Moon batiks: ordered. The Block of the Month search was successful and I'm really psyched abour our selection. More on the timetable for the BOM later. We stocked up on new patterns, bought fat quarters of fun juvenile-ish fabrics to make our fun new critters and (drumroll please)...WOOL. So many folks have been asking for wool lately that we've decided to give it another try. Now, this is wool in small manageable and affordable pieces intended for small and manageable projects. It should arrive in about 3 weeks. Our moda appointment was this morning and we ordered some fun new groups for spring 2010 deliveries. Moda told us that Wiscasset is due to start shipping this week, so no more hassling me folks! We made tentative calendar dates with McKenna Ryan for her visit to Maine next August (yippee!) and chatted with Heidi Kaisand about her return too.
We're ready to head home and as I scanned through the photos on the camera can't wait to show them all to you. Our shuttle arrives ar 4:05 AM for our 6:45 flight. We're looking foward to seeing our families and all of you! Thanks for following along!
Wishes for a safe trip home.
I use wool a lot in my pieces too. More people are wanting to use it and can't always find it in their area.
I have my thrift stash, great for applique.
I can't wait to see your photos.
I hope you were able to get some much needed rest on your way home! I am sooooo looking forward to the pictures!!
Sounds like a great trip - for us!! Looking forward to your return, and so is Mirabelle. I visited her Saturday for a few minutes and she has that dejected look she only gets when you are not there, but I cheered her up a little. Peggy
Look forward to seeing the BOM--so love those monthly challenges for myself. Sounds like you found a lot of unique items for your shop.
It sounds like you've had a productive trip! Can't wait for the Wiscasset fabric....yum! Thanks for keeping us updated, and looking forward to your pictures!
Me thinks there might be some great new quilts in the works after listening to your shopping list. Your Mom sent the pattern for the Go block and I have printed 40 copies for tonight's meeting. Gearing up for the quilt show and looking forward to seeing all the new stuff. Safe travels home. Nena
safe return. Can't wait to see the wool
Can not wait to see what you have ordered for your shop! It has been fun reading your daily posts and hope that you post some of your pictures online for us that live a little distance from your store.
Wool - I can't wait. Thanks. Sounds like you have had a very productive time. I can not wait to see all the new items.
Safe trip home.
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