Thursday, October 15, 2009

Congratulations & MCQS News

Thankyou to everyone who participated in our fun market blog challenge. The lucky winner is DonnaCME (not sure who you are, so let me know...) and Donna won an autographed copy of Out of the Box by MaryLou Wiedman, a funny pin of MaryLou's artwork and 2 tickets to the Dash of Diva Girl's Night Out event in Portland on Thursday 10/29. Congratulations! Donna, please contact me to collect your prizes!

You can still purchase tickets for the Dash of Diva event by clicking on the link above. This is going to be a fun event with great vendors who cater to mostly women customers. We'll be there in a booth showing off our wares and educating people about quilting and our shop!
Our newest news is our expansion! We've begun remodeling the retail space next to our shop which used to be Pollyanna's Antiques. When Judy died in January we were left with a gaping hole in our little neighborhood and we miss her terribly. However, we believe that she's been following along from that great antique mall in the sky and has approved our move. We hope to have the new space open for the downtown Bath Early Bird Sales on Saturday 11/7. Our hours are still to be determined but we will feature an Open House/Grand Opening of our new space. The addition will be called Pollyanna's Parlor (in honor and memory of Judy) and will house our newly improved classroom, longarm studio, a gallery and my office. Sign up to receive our e-news and you'll get an automatic invitation to the event. Here are some pics:
Stay tuned for more photo updates and watch your email for an Early Bird invitation!


jmbr said...

Congrats DonnaCME Enjoy.

DonnaCME said...

I can't believe I won! Thanks, Connor, for picking my name....and Thanks, Amanda, for the contest! I'll be calling shortly....

The Quilter "B" said...

I'm waiting for the picture of Wendy in her painting duds. The Parlor is really looking great!